Singer Song Writer
The discovery of ourselves is an essential movement of the journey that is the spiritual life. God commands that we love Him will all of our minds, bodies, and souls and love others as ourselves. The path that leads to loving God leads into ourselves then extends outward to others. These paths of the spiritual life are complete in movements that circulate our life of prayer and make our life whole until we transition into eternity.
Knowing God is only possible when we are willing to know ourselves. If we do not know ourselves, then who can understand us? Created in His image, the God in us is the love we seek. Through the pain of self-knowledge and acceptance, we can obtain this love we starve for and need to survive. God’s love reveals as our love. The love of God and the love of self. One cannot exist without the other. The two become one in unison. God’s love and will for us become the love and will for ourselves. Selfishness transforms into holiness.
When we become our beloved, we uncover a piece of God in us that is uniquely ours. The love between God and us transforms us. Lovers and beloveds back and forth into an endless dance of harmony. The unique love that God gives us reveals a puzzle piece into the mystery of the God that breathed life unto us when he created us. Our uncovering of this mystery becomes our voice and our song that is for the love of God. When we can sing this love song, we can sing to others, help them write their music, or savory another’s song with tuned ears. Your theme is unique to you, and my piece is special to me as God wrote your song differently than how he wrote mine.
If we are supposed to sing the same song, there wouldn’t have been a need for God to create both. Our puzzle piece into the mystery is a small part of creation, a glimpse of the Great God that created all things. When all things can come together, we form a picture that completes Him. He created us for each other so we can write love songs about Him. Remember that our God is jealous. He made us for Himself. When we come together and put our puzzle pieces together, we create a masterpiece that is the image of God. The song that we all sing in harmony will orchestrate a symphonic masterpiece that sings the love of God.
Should you share a piece of your puzzle that is not truly who you are, you cheated me. It was not the God in you that you gave me but false worship of yourself. This faulty piece of you offered to me disrupts the identity I’m cultivating in myself through God. The authentic self that I give to you gets mixed with you. My truth and peace are provided to you as a gift that only lasts until you consume all memory of me and return to your falsehood.
My song will continuously flow and tune in the eternal harmony within the center of creation. From Him where all goodness comes from will replenish me, and should you choose to return for more, I will have more to give. It will only last until I’m endangered of playing out of tune by your influence. I have to cut you off and make your song. I can teach you to listen to God’s pitch and tune yourself, but the practice is your work to perform. The real me can inspire you to transform your inner being and help you draw from the eternal harmony of Him. The same way my spiritual leader has done for me. We can indeed be ourselves and sing duets or quintets of God’s love song that flows eternally from His music library.
Image: Edgar Degas, Singer with a Glove, 1878