Dance Me to the End of Love

I felt called to an intimate relationship with God about five years ago with a deep sense of longing and stirring in my soul. I was a bit nervous and wasn’t sure what to expect. It was a change of direction in my life, and I felt very uneasy. I believe my life’s quest for true love started at my conception and the changes and experiences in life were either a deviation from that love story or a revival.

“His left hand is under my head,
And his right hand embraces me.
I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles or by the does of the field,
Do not stir up nor awaken love
Until it pleases.” Solomon 2:6-7

Here’s the original blog post. I was a bit hesitant about the intimacy and unsure how this was going to turn out. Jesus knew what I needed. He knew how to hold me and to love me tenderly. He was going to show me the steps and the path of this journey. 

Faith was the only compass I had. Hope was the fire that burned within me. Now I feel entirely at home in Jesus’s loving embrace and rest my weary head on His shoulders and let all my pain and worry melt away. I am forever blessed to have found my True Love and dance with Him until the end of time. 

We are here because God loves us and created us. Our one commandment is to love God with all our bodies, soul, and mind. Jesus, who conquered death resurrected from the dead, reclaimed our flesh for us. Our souls breathed into us through the love of the Holy Spirit and comforter. The mind is wisdom from God the Father. Our life’s quest then is to find that love, reclaim our bodies, discern wisdom. Live love, give it, and take it with us into eternity.

Image: Pierre-Augustine Renoir, Dance in the City, 1883

Title borrowed from Leonard Cohen’s original song “Dance Me to the End of Love”