The Mound of Grass

How do you know when your spirit is communicating with you?

As I closed my eyes to experience Cantor Grant’s singing in Hebrew, a vision flashed quickly across my eyes. I was lying naked in a field of grass. Turned to my right with my hands clapped together and tucked under my cheek. 

The grass was of a darker shade of green, dense and uniform. The ground surrounding me was flat and undisturbed, except for a mound slightly above my head. The shape was distinct for me to see that it wasn’t a natural rise of the earth.

The scene was peaceful and calm. My naked skin glowed in contrast to the greenery of the grass, giving the dusk-like scenery a light source. 

In my experience, spiritual visions are brief, only a split second. I must discern the scene in my mind’s eye and interpret its meaning. What is my desire? What is my spirit telling me? How do I act according to the voice of my spirit so we can be connected? Those are some of the things that only you and your spirit know. With time and discernment, you can act confidently and efficiently when you open yourself to your spirit.

Image: Sargent, John Singer. 1889. “An Out-of-Doors Study”. Oil on canvas, Brooklyn Museum.