Voice from a dream

Can dreams come true in real life?

Many cultures believe dreams carry messages from the Spirit or unconscious. Here’s an example of one of my dreams that manifested into real-life events.

I’ve been struggling with acne for the last couple of months. I was getting boils on my face. The last time I had acne this bad, I was sixteen. On October 3, 2023, I dreamt my flight was canceled, and I was trying to catch the next flight like everyone else. My eyes got blurry, and I was about to faint. I was grabbing water from a nearby fountain when a woman wearing a red T-shirt came down the stairs with her fellow choristers and saw me. She was large and big-breasted, like Mammy from Gone with the Wind.

She said to me, “You need healing.” and put her hands on each side of my spine at the base of my neck. Immediately, The oppressive energy left me. It was the first time I heard someone talking in a dream. I had prayed to God and asked to hear His voice. I’ve felt His presence and seen His face, but I’ve never heard His voice. 

Four days after the dream, on October 7, 2023, a half-Asian woman wider than me with round breasts took both my hands in hers. I was not my usual cheerful, pleasant self and undeserving of her kindness. I was trying to renew my Costco membership when a car almost ran into me while I was trying to park. My mind perpetuated into a downward spiral that originated long before the car horn went off, and I screamed at them, “YOU DON’T PASS ON THE LEFT.”

She told me to turn my thoughts around and that she knew I was being too hard on myself. I allowed my shoulders to sink, diffusing all the physical pressure I’d been carrying. My eyes let the tears fall, and the energy was released.

I had been trying to get over a crush and was unsuccessful. My spiritual journey has taught me that our energy or Spirit meets first before someone physically enters our lives. Life is more profound, and our spirits are all connected from the beginning and continue to connect through the end. 

The Spirit feels disoriented and lost when we are no longer connected in this physical space. We are relational beings created for relationships that were designed to last eternally. Cutoff of any form causes trauma to the being as a whole. Therefore, in this life journey, Spirit on Spirit forms, Matter on Matter meet, and if Matter on Matter separates, then Spirit on Spirit disconnects, if at all.

Dreams can come true in real life if you are willing to look for them. We scan with our eyes, but we see what we want to see. Your reality can be shaped by your desire to see the world. Yes! Dreams can come true; you have to search for them.

On a side note. I’ve included dates because the days in which significant spiritual happenings occur in my life are days with 3, 7, 10, or a product of such number. My numerology is 7, and numerology dates back to the Hebrew alphabet and numbering system. If you think Christians don’t believe in numerology, consider the numbers associated with Christmas Day.

How do you interpret your dreams?

Here are five things you can do.

  1. Keep a journal on your nightstand.

  2. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

  3. Write down what you remember in your dream upon waking up. No matter how weird. Just write it down without judgment and see the patterns.

  4. Note your emotions during the day and write one-word descriptions of your feelings throughout the day before going to bed.

  5. Go easy on yourself. This takes time to master, so have fun!

Thanks for reading! Sweet dreams…

Image: Miller, Richard Edward, 1910. “Chinese Statuette”. Oil on canvas.

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